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Extraction from Final acts of the WRC-03 Radiocommunication conference in Geneva


Agenda item 1.38: EESS (active) at 420-470 MHz


According to Resolution 727, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) (Rio de Janeiro, 1992) identified an urgent need for assessment and systematic observations of forest cover and rate of forest degradation in tropical and temperate regions and during WRC-97, many countries agreed to the principle that ITU should take action in response to the need identified by UNCED.

ITU-R studies have confirmed that the preferable frequency band within the range 420 to 470 MHz is the band 432-438 MHz that offers the most favourable sharing scenario. Studies leading to WRC‑03 have shown that sharing between EESS (active) and existing services in the band 432-438 MHz is possible given certain characteristics and operational limitations on the EESS (active) instruments. These characteristics and operational limitations have been introduced in DRR ITU-R SA.1260 adopted by ITU-R Study Group 7 in February 2003.

Therefore, the following changes are proposed to the Radio Regulations in order to accommodate a new secondary allocation to the EESS (active) in the band 432-438 MHz, which will satisfy the agenda item.

CEPT position

CEPT supports a secondary allocation to the EESS (active) in the band 432 – 438 MHz subject to the operational constraints and provisions set out in Recommendation ITU-R SA.1260, as this is developed in order to protect the existing services in this band.


ü                              The band 432-438 MHz was allocated to Earth Exploration Satellite Service on secondary basis and a new footnote to Article 5 (5.5E03) was added which refers the use of this band by sensors in the Earth exploration-satellite service (active) to Recommendation ITU-R SA.1260. Consequentially Resolution 727 (Use of the frequency band 420-470 MHz by the Earth exploration-satellite service (active)) was suppressed


Výtah  z Provisional Final Acts

MOD           COM5/263/10            (B5/290/14)            (R8/386/36)

410-470 MHz

Allocation to services


Region 1

Region 2

Region 3







5.271  5.272  5.273  5.274 
5.275  5.276  5.277

             5.271  5.276  5.277  5.278  5.279


MOD           COM5/263/11            (B5/290/15)            (R8/386/37)





Earth exploration-satellite (active)    ADD 5.5E03




             Earth exploration-satellite (active) ADD 5.5E03

5.138  5.271  5.272  5.276 
5.277  5.280  5.281  5.282

             5.271  5.276  5.277  5.278  5.279  5.281  5.282


ADD           COM5/263/13            (B5/290/17)            (R8/386/38)


5.5E03        The use of this band by sensors in the Earth exploration-satellite service (EESS) (active) shall be in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R SA.1260-1. Additionally, the EESS (active) in the band 432-438 MHz shall not cause harmful interference to the aeronautical radionavigation service in China.

The provisions of this footnote in no way diminish the obligation of the EESS (active) to operate as a secondary service in accordance with Nos. 5.29 and 5.30.     (WRC-03)


MOD           COM5/263/12            (B5/290/16)            (R8/386/39)







5.271  5.273  5.274  5.275 
5.276  5.277  5.283

             5.271  5.276  5.277  5.278  5.279


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