OK2KKW - UHF Contest 2009
The UHF Contest remains for me the main contest of the year. So despite the unfavorable weather forecast we made another trip to Krusne mountains (Erzgebirge). On Thursday of course because otherwise we would not be able to set up all of our equipment on time. This year's contest was also complicated by the fact that we met only in a half number of club members: Honza, OK1BAF got quinsy, OK1KN had a sick wife, OK1JFR went on some vacation, OK1XNG was unable to come off from work and Tomas was moving to a new flat.. So finally we met in the number of six: OK1DIX, OK1RK, OK1ZAD, OK1TEH, OK1VPZ and our good fairy OK1DYX.
On Saturday morning, Matej finally started putting together all of our equipment - SWR was luckily fine and whole equipment was ready more or less to the first startup. Before noon we got unexpected visit of OK1IF ("the king" of HF QRP ;-)), maybe because we have the true QRP Contest equipment because of single phase power line, hi. We had only short chat because time flew as the runaway horse and we had to get ready also 23cm station & last PLC check for interconnection. David arrived after noon, so we had been having special contest powerful goulash and then the final word remained: hey folks, go to the machines!
And some time later there is the end of the contest - the wind start to be followed by strong rain.. During packing we therefore got pretty wet and because of low number of people and the big amount of all hardware we got out from the hill (cheerless) not earlier then at 21 hour. The most of us are not young so the tiredness and acute shortage of sleep will annoy us for few days more. Well, that's the end of my story. Fortunately we hadn't problem with hardware (except 13cm), on 70cm we used 3 PA's and 3 single yagies antennas with the total number of 109 elements and the sum of power from that 3 PA's was around 1250W RF (PEP) - and unlike to other stations we honesty note the true sum of all used PA's power, hi. On 23cm Matej as in the past few years had to be satisfied with two transistors PA's (120 and 300W PEP) with two good old elliptical wire dishes - this time with a somewhat modified feeds. Jirka, OK1ZAD had on 13cm at the feed of his about 160cm elliptical dish about 20W and power on 3cm into 60cm dish didn't get over 5W PEP. Due to reason that I suffered from a toothache during the contest due to recent surgery (and David, OK1RK had the similar problem so we used CW on Sunday more then ever) I took a part on a operator's seat for a short time so I haven't any more comments. I therefore believe that OK1TEH and OK1DIX will add their comments. So I hope to hear you at some other time - of course on VHF ☺. 73! de OK1VPZ PS: some photos you'll find on the bottom of this page 23cm's report by Matej, OK1TEH: After a week I finally get some time to write a few words about our participation in UHF Contest 2009. Initially we wanted to join this contest somewhere from hill abroad but at last this hill became occupied by a local club so the week before the contest we decided to participate from our hill surrounded by near forest. More we had problem with lack of people so until the last moment we weren't sure if we meet at last in enough number to deliver and set up all the necessary equipment. Another problem was the weather. I don’t know if anybody also noticed, that if the contest takes place from October 1st to 4th, the weather is usually bad, but from 5th to 8th mostly fair and stable. This year was not an exception. Last two September weeks we enjoyed the Indian summer and watched the weather development carefully. When the forecast said one week before contest, that the big anticyclone would be weakening and the weekend will be rainy with strong winds, we did not make any illusions. Unfortunately the weather was getting even worse and even that, new predictions said something about gale and icing. As we were punished by bad icing during UHF Contest 2008, we have left nothing to chance so first upgrade on 23cm was pair of new heavy duty icing proof feeds. Fortunately the temperature didn't fall below zero, but I believe that if the new icing proof protections were not ready, it would be Mr Murphy's turn ;-) Friday and Saturday antennas installation was running smoothly, the nice change was the new big hammer for driving stakes (tnx DIX!). More except strong wind we had no problem with rain. The only one serious problem, which has been written, were forgotten spacers for 13cm feed but this problem was fortunately quickly solved. Meanwhile wind was getting stronger so we stopped and moved to out cottage to solve puzzle in the form of PLC modems which connected 400m remote sites. On Saturday, about 2 hours before the contest I moved on 23cm's site. The first problem was that bigger PA showed negative currents but fortunately it was only a bug in the meter circuit. After successful start up of our network between 70 and 23cm, which was fully provided by our new version of the VUSC contest log, I got a phone call from OK1ZIA/ OK2M gang that we could try some small test of their 23cm's signal quality. Their first PA with GS15 tube produced signal 59+50dB on my Smeter and more signal was only 5-10 kHz wide (on distance of 114km). Worse it was with second PA with 2x 2C39. This PA made output signal with splatters S7 +- 400 KHz as you can see in attached video. Guys from OK2M club finally "solved" this problem with turning this direction with 2C39 PA to the east... Well if I knew that my 23cm's PA makes such a massive QRM over 100km I would not use it in contest.. On Sunday morning OK2M forgot to beam their direction off our direction and QRM from 2C39 was back... Fortunately this problem was relatively easy to be solved by telling then to turn this dish to some another direction again. Worse situation was with DM7A on Fichtelberg hill as they decided to use some new PA's in two separate directions. They offer us to make some signal tests during VHF contest, unfortunately we had to stay at home. However I guess that such a bad spatters which had been peeking S9+20dB! on our Smeter had to be easy readible on any kind of a Spectrum analyzer anyway.. More when their splatters were 2MHz wide independently on our dish's actual direction... I used to have lot of problem with DM7A's QRM almost in every contest but this time it was beyond limit of my worst dreams and I really "enjoyed" this contest.. By the way the distance between us was about 10km. BTW I think that audio record is better then any word so I put here the MP3 record of my 23cm QSO with DF0MU from JO32PC on some 428km. The audio records shows how it was "easy" to work even QRO station: http://www.ok2kkw.com/00003016/uhf09/df0mu_23cm.mp3
The contest was started with quite standard rate. For the first hour I made 32 contacts similar to our competitors however lately I was loosing points to DM7A & DL0GTH. GTH produced once again QRM signal almost 30 KHz wide, which is on 144km pretty bad and in July contest I had a lot of troubles with it (next time pse pay some attention to your Icom's ALC circuits please..) but in UHF Contest it was a marginal problem compared to the others... What was interesting in case of splatters from DM7A was a fact the the deadliest QRM was coming from the opposite direction, not from 70 degrees to DM7A but to about 290 degrees in JO31 directions. I guess it was because of some kind of reflection from near and higher Blatensky hill (the QTH of OL7C) with wet forest ;-) However on Saturday the conditions were very poor anyway, I didn't work even QRO station on sked like PI4GN or Christian, OZ2LD with 150W and on almost free path (our hill is pretty good opened to North).. The only one direction which was "relatively" opened was the South. Aldo, IK3COJ was booming with his EME equipment as expected 59+ on SSB however I heard nothing from IQ3AZ and the same result was on our 5th test. At 23 UTC I made QSO with DL0GTH. I sent them number 130 and found that they are ahead of me with 35 contacts. Time to time I'm trying to solve the QRM problem with DM7A, but the only a bit better result is to beam their antennas far away out of me, but they have me in one of the the most contact "worth" direction so serve QRM is coming back soon.. With big QRM problems I finally made Oli, F6KUP/P from JN29. He reports to hear me quite loud. Me not... After midnight, fortunately DM7A go to sleep for a while and I have finally chance to work some very weak stations in noise. Meanwhile outside is wind blowing stronger and stronger and it's peeking in gale scale of 110km/h but I continue my operation and I'm very happy that I have robust mast with "wind-proof" dishes hi. But even so, strong wind throw half-inch coax cables on my caravan's wall with powerful bangs. With the clear band I'm trying to make as many weak stations as it's possible and finally I'm able to complete QSO's with HG5M, HA5SHF/P and HG7F. However signal were very weak and it takes several minutes to finish 73. The sked with Joze S51ZO fail and even later after several attempt. At that time I see at DX-cluster that Joze had QSO with OK2M and OK1KJB even on higher bands however at my side I can't see even small ping at Spectran waterfall. Fortunately I found that I'm 100 QSO's ahead of DK0OX (DR9A) hi. At 3h UTC I finally made OK2FUG, signal is pretty weak but with some help of aircraft reflections we completed it quite fast and I hope that the East direction is slowly opening. In the mean time we made 70cm contact with Ivan, YU1LA to Belgrade on 853km. After QSY to 23cm he heard me however his 10W is too small pistol for such a bad condx. After approximately 1 hour of sleeping behind the radio I drink another Kamikaze energy "booster" and "jump" into morning pileup. However expected improvement of Sunday conditions isn't coming and I'm unsuccessfully trying to do some of PA stations. Indeed DM7A woke up and startup another torture named QRM.. However a few hours later DM7A make some "lunch break"? and during one hour without QRM at last I'm able to work several stations like PA0EZ, PA2M, PA3AWJ, PA0S, PA0WMX, PA6NL, ON7WR and several DL stations from JO30/31 area. The aircraft reflections propagation is getting better too and finally I completed contact with Gabi, HA8V. It's after long time another contact over 700km and second QSO is even better with Salvo, DK3SE JN37. It's done in 2minutes. But DM7A get back on the band and I'm not able to finish my SSB contact with PA0GUS. So I'm turning my dish to the minimum of QRM which is into JN48 direction and it's resulting in contact with DK0SF in Czech language :-) Unfortunately, although I paid attention in this JN48/ HB9 direction for a long time I didn't make any contact to HB at all. I think it confirms my theory that the biggest activity from HB on 23cm used to be during July Field day contest only. In the last hour I take over 50 000 points and even more I complete nice contact with SM7LCB (by the way he works remote control). The QRB into JO86 is almost the same as to I4LCK/4 - 704km. I tried also few Aircraft Reflections tests with John, G3XDY, I hear him however the QSO was one way only. The last contact in contest I made in last minute with Torben, OZ3ZW. It's my first contact to OZ in this contest at all. Our QSO was done in high speed telegraphy and I really enjoy to have at last good operator on the other side hi. The packing of 6 masts in 4 people and heavy rain is pretty slow and we finally leave our QTH with caravan around 21h local time. But still some 360km left to the garage so we finally get to our home on Monday.. Unexpectedly good result of 190 contacts and 53000 points on 23cm is our new club record from JO60JJ and I really don't know why as the weather, propagation and QRM situation was really depressive, maybe that it was caused by bigger DL activity around JN48 area. Who knows. The satisfaction of the good result is only the fact that without miserable QRM situation I could easily reach the "dream number" of 200 contacts. When I arrived at home on Monday I find at the internet the the likely European winner of UHF Contest DL0GTH report "very poor conditions " and for more then 41 contacts and 13 000pts more... So thanks to all of you who called us and if the weather and snow situation permit, then hope to hear you in the Marconi Memorial Contest. OK1TEH And finally few words about the contest by OK1DIX on 432 MHz: This year's UHF Contest on 70cm was marked by below-average conditions and poor weather. Strong wind bent and spinning antennas on towers. I'm glad that we had no icing. Failure of one of the telescopic mast caused that we weren't able to pull it out higher then 15m AGL. At
the beginning of the contest conditions weren't so bad as in first 2 hours
we made about 120 contacts and few good DX's to South but then conditions
went down. The worst situation was a tropospheric propagation to East and
Southeast. We missed several stations from 9A and OM. Time to time we made
some stations from North, but unstable troposphere had not offered any
significant opening. Conditions were unstable too and several DX contacts
failed because of fast QSB. A separate chapter had been the QRM from DM7A.
After agreement both of us tuned in the opposite side of band (at the
beginning they tined just 25 kHz way from us!) but QRM didn't disappear
and it reflected in our final result. We'll see next year when we should
have some new transvertor and another improvements. Results:
******************************************************************** TOP 10 km
* Number of valid QSOs: 469 Band: 432 MHz * ------------------
* * YU1EV KN04 855
* Best DX: KN04CN 855 km call: YU1EV Average: 293 km/QSO * YU1LA KN04 853
* * M1CRO/P JO01 819
* Countries worked: * 9A7PJT JN83 807
* 259xDL 98xOK 11xPA 2xSM 13xSP 12xHG 16xOM 2xON 7xI * IQ1KW JN34 772
* 10xOE 4xYU 1xG 6xHB 5xF 10xS5 3xOZ 1xLX 8x9A 1xUR * IW0FFK/6 JN63 761
* * UR7D KN18 742
* Total sum of points: 137440 * YU7A KN05 736
******************************************************************** IK4WKU/6 JN63 733
OT5D JO11 714
Some more pictures and videos records: